 23/11/08 09:28

38 installation de spot LED

ma question est la suivante:
doit on obligatoirement installer un regulateur de tension et brancher des spots en series ?
car il existe du led en 230v et du led en 24v...sachant que les led fonctionnent toutes en BT je me perds un peu dans tout cela et sur le net la led est encore nouvelle pas assez de renseignements...

enfin si je mets des spots halogenes dans la salle de bain mis a part prendre de la norme IP65 le tout installer sous un faux plafond lambris pvc quel es tla distance mini a respecter et n'y a t-il pas de risque de chauffe avec le pvc? sinon je mets aussi de la led dans la sdb..

Modifié 1 fois. Dernière modification le 24/11/08 17:12 par bmc.

 25/12/08 11:39
c'est bon je me suis demerder tout seul merci

 17/04/12 04:11
all the lights can be wired together + and - to a toggle switch. you dont need a resistor. but you do have a problem to consider. the power all those smd 5050 will pull may be more than the toggle switch and the main power wire are rated for, this includes putting a bunch of lights on the beat controller. you need to add up the amp draw of all the lights combined and get a switch and power wire that can handle that amount of amperage. you also need to make 12v led bulb sure the beat controller can handle that many lights or it will just burn out. if the lights dont list their amp draw divide the wattage by 12 (12v car voltage) to get amps. 6watt light, 6 divided by 12 equals .5, so a 6 watt light pulls half an amp. if all the lights pull 10 amps, led flexible strip make sure you get switches and wire big enough, a 12ga wire can handle 20 amps, but a lot of those lighter plug things use 20 gauge or 22 gauge, which can only handle about 3 to 5 amps. and of course check to see how much wattage (or amperage) the beat controller can handle and dont hook up more lights than that. plus if the beat controller has the transformer for the neon tubes built into it you cant hook up the leds to it at all because its a different voltage for the neon tubes than the leds. if the neon tubes work hooked up without being connected the the controller, then its built into the tubes so thats not a problem.

 12/05/12 16:01
Récemment je veux redécorer mon local et j'ai déja acheter ce noren . Donc il me manque plus que les LED et j'aimerais savoir comment tu as fait ? Merci d'avance.


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